navarro residence

GOAL: The Navarro’s asked us to build a water feature that would drown out the sound of nearby I-26 traffic as well as enhance the view from the back porch.

CHALLENGE:  The back yard was extremely small, also access to the back yard was extremely limited and it was very difficult to get all the rock for the water feature into the back yard, which meant lots of hours of heavy lifting for our crew. Choosing the right pump size for the water feature was also crucial, we wanted it to be big enough to drown out the sound of nearby traffic but not so big that the sound of the waterfall would be too loud to talk over while relaxing on the nearby porch.

RESULT:  We created a beautiful water feature that fits the scale of the yard and doesn’t overpower the Navarro’s with sound. The pond is flanked by lush shade gardens that make it is easy to quickly forget your urban surroundings.