meadow plantings
What is a meadow?
A meadow is a complex & interactive plant community this is grass dominant and includes a wide variety of native blooming flowers that support native pollinators & wildlife. Meadows hold a much greater diversity of species (per sq.ft.) than other forms of traditional landscape. Is it typical for meadows to be planted 50-80% in grasses and 20-50% in wildflowers. The grasses act as a foundation for the overall planting, decreasing erosion and providing physical support for the flowers when in bloom.
conrads residence
Why plant a meadow?
Native meadows support pollinator insects and birds, conserve water, reduce pollution and are gorgeous! Meadows are a wonderful alternative to lawn or other styles of landscaped beds. Once mature, meadows require very little maintenance, no mulching, no fertilizer and very little weeding.
How do we start a meadow?
Most important step to establishing a meadow is to eradicate all invasive and non-native species before planting time. Once that has occurred, we assess the site for sun/shade and moisture conditions and then choose our desired grasses and wildflowers that will best match the site. Meadows can be started by seeds or by small plant plugs or a combination of the two. Meadows can be any size. A meadow can be many acres large or a 10 x 10ft. plot and anything in between.
Contact us if you would like to know more about establishing a meadow or pocket meadow on your property.